Download HDDlife
HDD life Pro is a commercial program with a full-featured trial period of 14 days. During this period, you can test all its functions and make a decision about purchasing HDDlife.

HDD life Professional
version 4.2.204 released October, 12

HDD life for Notebooks
version 4.2.204 released October, 12
Look also at SSDlife
SSD life is a program for monitoring the health condition of SSD drives. Drives are monitored automatically in the background mode according to the specified schedule. The program shows notifications about any changes in the health of SSD drives. It displays all available information about them, including S.M.A.R.T. attributes. It can estimate the lifetime of drives and publish reports online.

Entry level for everyone

$99 $65
Our most effective plan

For use on laptops

Desktop + Laptop
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