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  HDDlife version 4 - HELP FILE   HDDlife

Context menu

tray icon menuA right-click on any type of icon opens the context menu of HDDlife:

The following items are available in the menu:

About HDDlife
Opens a dialog box containing information about HDDlife – its version, release date and other information. We recommend that you use this every time you contact the support service to get the exact version of the program that you're using.

Show main window
Shows the main program window. You can use this to see the information about the health and life of all your hard drives and to access the main menu used for configuring the working modes of HDDlife, opening the help, etc.
More detailed information about the main window is available in this section.

Check drives now
Immediately checks the health and life of your hard drives regardless of the current mode.

Closes HDDlife and finishes the preventative background control of the health and lifespan of your hard drives.

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