H D D l i f e
  HDDlife version 4 - HELP FILE   HDDlife

Hard Drive Temperature

Disk temperature display settings

Beginning with version 2.5, HDDlife can have a separate interval set for monitoring the temperature of your hard drive.

Check the hard drive temperature every...
Specify the interval with which you would like to check the temperature of the hard drive . We recommend that you set it to not less than once in 15 minutes, but not more than once every 5 minutes.

Temperature units
Setup of temperature units - Celsius or Fahrenheit.

normal/urgent/critical tabs
You can use these tabs to select the color of the digits on the disk temperature icon in the system tray for different states of the disk. The temperature for each state is also specified here.

Common for all tabs – text color and background color – select the color you want for text (digits) on the icon among the offered options or determine your own color. On the «Urgent» and «Critical» tabs, you can set the value of temperature for the corresponding state.

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